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UTMB Anesthesiology


The Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Texas Medical Branch has a long-standing program of basic, translational, and clinical research that extends back to its founding almost 80 years ago. When Dr. Harvey Slocum established the department in 1941, one of his first acts was to hire a physiology researcher, Charles Allen, to join the faculty and build a research program to work in parallel with the department’s clinical mission. Allen subsequently trained as a physician and succeeded Slocum as chairman in 1955. From these early beginnings, the Department of Anesthesiology has built a robust research program that today advances science in multiple interlocked areas, including traumatic brain injury, burn and smoke inhalation, sepsis, immunology, pain research, shock, non-invasive optoacoustic diagnostic technology, stem cell-based tissue engineering, and molecular pharmacology. UTMB is committed to advancing medical education and research through innovation, collaboration, and patient-centered care.