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Fondazione Paolo Procacci

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The Paolo Procacci Foundation (PPF) was established on March 20, 2008. It is a not-for-profit organization based in Roma, Italy, with a mission to promote initiatives concernings prevention, early diagnosis, cure, and social management of pain syndromes. PPF supports basic, translational and clinical research that can help the evolution of the science related to pain management. PPF sponsors bursaries for young researchers, and contributes to educate health care professionals with courses, scientific events, and sensitization for general practitioners, different medical specialties and for society in general.

PPF has opened two different journals: Pain Nursing Magazine for nurses involved in pain management, and My Pain for patients in pain. Moreover, it has sponsored around 50 different publications in indexed peer-reviewed journals. Considering the increments of the publication activities, PPF has decided to open its own Cureus Academic Channel, which will represent a potential site of confrontation and scientific discussion for scientists interested in pain, pain patients and their care. We hope that it will soon host important scientific contributions furthering better management of pain patients.