Marjan Dzeparoski
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Marjan Dzeparoski graduated and completed his specialization at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Skopje, Macedonia and acquired afterwards a specialist degree in pharmaceutical technology. Has finished the Ph.D. study with emphasis on regulative and marketing.
He was employed at the company VARUS for 18 years.
He works from 2013 at the daughter company BIONIKA Pharmaceuticals as RA & PV manager. During his work he participated in numerous seminars, symposiums, congresses and trainings. Has published and reviewed a number of professional texts in several journals.
He is associate professor at Faculty for Medical Sciences, Stip.
He is member of the Pharmaceutical Chamber of R. Macedonia, Athens Institute for Education & Research and European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB).


1. Dzeparoski M. Pharmacoeconomics. Maced J Med Sci. 2013 Mar 15; 6(1):102-105.
2. Dzeparoski M. “Golden root (Rhodiola Rosea) – revolutionary herb of 21st century”. Aptekar 2, May 2013; 28-30
3. Dzeparoski M. “Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) – natural antidiabetic”.
Farmacevtski informator 34,July 2013; 40-41
4. Dzeparoski M. “Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) – natural diuretic”. Aptekar 3, September 2013; 28
5. Dzeparoski M. “Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis L.) – natural sedative”.
Farmacevtski informator 35, October 2013; 48-49
6. Dzeparoski M. “Alpha acids – extract (Humulus Lupulus L.) – unique herbal anti-inflammator”. Aptekar 4, December 2013; 26-28
7. Dzeparoski M. “Treatment Algorithm for Chronic Anal Fissure – A Review of
Literature and it’s Apply in University Clinical Center Mother Teresa – Skopje.”
Maced J Med Sci.2014 July 30; 7(3):529-531
8. Dzeparoski M. “Use and antidiabetic effects of chrom picolinate”. BB-Informator 237, February 2015; 24
9. Dzeparoski M and Trajkovic-Jolevska S. "Comparative analysis of advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicine and food supplement at different markets - case study". Maced. pharm. bull., 62 (suppl) 167 - 168 (2016)
10. Dzeparoski, Marjan, Trajkovic-Jolevska, Suzana: “Analysis of Marketing Strategy for
Food Supplements and Over-The-Counter Medicines”. Open Access Maced J Med Sci.
11. Dzeparoski, Marjan, Trajkovic-Jolevska, Suzana: "Impact of regulation on advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicines and food supplements". IJPHM, Vol. 12 Iss 1, 2018, pp. 77-90
12. Dzeparoski Marjan. "Herbal food supplements safety and future regulation challenges". Maced. pharm. bull., 66 (Supp 1) 189-190 (2020)
13. Dzeparoski Marjan. "Safety and labelling in non-EU Countries". PharmPharmacolInt J., 2021;9(2):27-28. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2021.09.00322
14. Dzeparoski M. Risk communication in non-EU countries. Pharm Pharmacol Int J. 2022;10(6):208-209. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2022.10.00387
15. Dzeparoski M. Update on PV in the Balkans. Pharm Pharmacol Int J. 2023;11(2):49‒50. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2023.11.00401
16. Dzeparoski Marjan. “Regulatory Update on eSubmissions in Balkans”. Mathews J Pharma Sci. 8(1):26, 1-6 (2024)


My Professional Societies

European Federation of Biotechnology
Athens Institute for Education and Research
Farmacevtska Komora na Republika Severna Makedonijaa