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It's arguable that vancomycin was not necessary here. The IL-6 response that drive's CRP increase is not instantaneous, and there can be a lag of 12-36 hours generally. I think that Jan 28 CRP rise to 320 was likely just from lag. There was also a lack of worsening on the 28th (showed no improvement implies stability) which is another indicator of likely being ok. There was no confirmatory MRSA found on culture.
It is possible that maybe the short 6-7 days of antibiotics cured the MRSA, but many would want to treat longer.
The real question or teaching here is, if you think this is MRSA then augmentin is just plain wrong as a choice.
I encourage infection-related case reports to include fever curves as well, since subtle spacing and blunting of the fevers can be an indicator of response before achieving complete afebrility.

As of now, there are no evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of calciphylaxis, only expert opinions derived from the limited literature.Treatment modalities are not standardized, but they all focus on wound care with or without surgical debridement. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HBOT) is proposed to be the second line of wound care treatment to improve oxygen delivery to hypoxic soft tissues and promote wound healing. Calcium-based phosphate binders and vitamin D analogues should be avoided, and patients with poorly controlled hyperparathyroidism should be prescribed a calcimimetic agent or undergo surgical parathyroidectomy. Sodium thiosulfate is frequently used an adjunctive treatment, with several proposed mechanisms, including calcium chelation, vasodilatory effects, and ability to restore endothelial function. Although bisphosphonates have been used for the treatment of calciphylaxis, their mechanism of action is unknown, and includes inhibition of calcium crystallization and prevention of hydroxyapatite formation.Other treatments described in case reports have included the use of apheresis and tissue plasminogen activator. At present, there are no approved treatments for calciphylaxis, and all drug therapies that have been tested fall under the off-label use !!

Uncontrolled administration of magnesium without assessing GIT and renal function, in order to relieve constipation, is a risky procedure (detonation of respiratory muscles, cardiac arrest, systemic muscle weakness in the shoulder and pelvic girdle area, etc.). In these cases, the rescue procedure is urgent hemodialysis with simultaneous cardiac pacing, if necessary.
Foreign body insertions into the urethra or rectum mostly come across in patients with some form of psychiatric disorder, I had operated on two patients, one patient introduced screw driver into the urethra which was stuck at mid bulbar urethral level, removed with cystoscope. Another patient inserted plastic tube into the urethra which was coiled in the urinary bladder, which was removed with the help of ureteroscope.Both these patients were having psychiatric disorder.