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Have worked mostly in General medicine , with special Interest in Intensive care, Diabetes and Medical Ultrasonography , colour doppler and 2D echocardiography.I have about 40 research Publications ,and interested in Medical Teaching which I have been doing in Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College ,both UG for 25 yrs and PG for about 15 yrs
Reviewer Keywords
adem chikungunya encephalitis chromosomal aberrations dermatomyositis diabetes and hypertension echocardiography - heart failure - valvular heart disease family history genetic abnormalities homocysteine level msa multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders nerve conduction study (ncs) neuropathy ngs plasmapheresis poisoning tacrolimus thrombocytopenia tubercular meningitis ultrasonography (usg)Publications (3)
Recent article categories: Neurology, Radiology, Internal Medicine