Mostafa Elbaba
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Dr. Mostafa Elbaba is a pediatrician specialized in pediatric nephrologist. He was graduated from Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt in 1989. His experience in the field developed from many countries for almost 25 years. Finally, he has been settled in Qatar since 2011. Currently he is a pediatric nephrologist in Hamad Medical Corporation and pediatric clinical instructor in Weil cornel medical college in Qatar

He showed an interest in medical education for the last decade, and he is developing his career towards that field. He earned many qualifications in medical education including a Master degree in medical education from University of Cincinnati, USA. He designed and conducted many Face-to-face workshops & online courses. Elbaba is the owner of many websites for teaching and education in healthcare. MRCPCH2009 is the most popular one and the Paediatrics Academy is the global latest work.

Simulation is his area of interest in medical education. He is internationally recognized as certified healthcare simulation educator โ€œCHSEโ€ from SSH. His final master project in MEd was โ€œUse of simulation in pediatric OSCE examโ€.

Dr. Elbaba is the founder of the MPS (Mobile Pediatric Simulation). With other two simulation specialists, they developed a team to enhance the training in pediatrics through simulation-based education program.


MBBCH (Egypt) 1989,ย Master in Pediatrics (Egypt) 1993,ย MRCPCH (UK) 2009,ย MCCEE & MCCQE1 (Canada) 2007 & 2013,ย Graduation Certificate in medical education (USA) 2014,ย AMEE (ESME); Certificate in Medical Education (UK) 2015,ย CHSE; Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (USA) 2015,ย MEd. Master in Education (Medical) (USA) 2015

M. Elbaba e-portfolio is a good source to read more .


Publications (4)

Recent article categories: Medical Education

My Professional Societies

Member of CHSE, IPSS & AMEE