Gary S. Goldman
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Gary S. Goldman, PhD, served as the sole Research Analyst for the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) in collaboration with the CDC from 1995 to 2002. He developed a model linking chickenpox seasonality to school enrollment patterns (clustering) and temperatures and created a database to manage demographic and clinical data, ensuring accuracy through duplicate detection and household case linking. He played a key role in expanding the project's scope, supplying both initiative and background material for the successful proposal to include shingles in the active surveillance program.

Dr. Goldman authored numerous peer-reviewed studies on varicella and shingles, covering vaccine efficacy, transmission dynamics, school outbreaks, and the epidemiology of shingles in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. He has served as a reviewer for leading journals, including JAMA, BMJ, and Vaccine, and is on the Editorial Board of Research and Reviews in BioSciences and Othomolecular Medicine News Servuce (OMNS).


Reviewer Keywords
cumulative incidence disease modeling epidemiology and biostatistics herpes zoster virus varicella-zoster virus
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