Dr. Subash C. Sonkar PhD
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Editor I Entrepreneur | Scientist। Reviewer | Author | Inventor। GHES Fellow I IoE Fellow
Dr. Sonkar is a Member of Editor, Acta Scientific Microbiology and Member Reviewer of Nature Scientific Reports, BMC Infectious Diseases, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers in Microbiology, International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM), International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM). Previously He served as Organizing member of the Scientific Committee in the 6th International Conference on Public Health 2020 (ICOPH 2020), 10th and 11th IAS Conference on HIV Science www.ias2019.org, International Committee Organizing Committee Members Series of - STD & HIV/AIDS Conferences and many more. He has earlier served as Advisor and Consultant at Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (2019), Visiting Faculty at IBS University Ghaziabad and BIET Lucknow, and Visiting Scientist at NUS Life science Pvt Ltd, India, He worked as GHES Postdoctoral fellow at Florida International University, Miami, USA, and DST National Postdoctoral Fellow, INDIA. His research interest is in clinical microbiology of infectious diseases with specialization in molecular diagnostic assay developments like Lateral Flow Assay, PCR & RT PCR-based diagnostics, vaccine design, protein-protein interactions, emerging infectious diseases management, and genome analysis. He has been conferred with various prestigious awards notably, Fogarty Global Health Equity Scholars Fellowship Awards (GHES2018-2019), NIH, USA), Young Investigator Award, (APCCMI 2016), 16th Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Melbourne Australia, National Team Leader Award, DBT ABLE- BEST20, 2010, IUSTI- IASSTD & AIDS Scholarship, 20K Cash award, (ASTICON 2014), Indian Association for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Chandigarh, India, Attendance Grant Award, “Indigenous Parasitic Diseases in Europe” Pavia, Italy, Europeans Society for Clinical Microbiology of Infectious Diseases, Switzerland, 2015 etc and many more nationally and internationally. He has served as a reviewer for a number of international journals, including Elsevier, Nature, BMC, Frontiers, etc. He has more than 12 years of research and teaching experience in Micro-Molecular Biology and public health. He has also published more than 20 research articles in the peer-reviewed international journal and authored or co-authored numerous book chapters and two patients with technology transfer. He is a member of many international scientific societies and organizations importantly, a Member of The International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infection (IUSTI), a Young Scientist member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), a Life Member of the Indian association for the study of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS (IASSTD & AIDS), Life Member of European Postgraduate Studies Group (ECMID-PSG}, Life Member of International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID) and Life Member of American Society of Microbiology (ASM).



Reviewer Keywords
bacterial sexually transmitted infections health public
Publications (0)

Recent article categories: Public Health, Epidemiology/Public Health, Healthcare Technology


My Professional Societies

Epidemiology Foundation of India
International Society for Infectious Diseases
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Integrated association of Medical, Basic and Social Sciences.