Magdalena Pasarica
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Dr. Magdalena Pasarica began her medical career at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” in Bucharest, Romania and completed her residency at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She is board certified in Family Medicine. In the pursuit of excellence in medical research, Dr. Pasarica earned a Ph.D. in Nutrition at Wayne State University. Since then she has performed clinical, translational and basic research studies in the area of physiology of adult stem cells and pathophysiology of adipose tissue, obesity, diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. Her work was recognized by numerous peer reviewed publications. She has presented at several invited talks to prestigious national and international organizations (including NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease). Dr. Pasarica has dedicated her career to academic medicine through her work in training undergraduate and graduate students, as well as resident physicians.

Dr. Pasarica joined the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine in August 2014.  Dr. Pasarica is teaching first, second and third year emdical students, and  is also a Faculty Advisor for the KNIGHTS student run free clinic and Family Medicine Interest Group. In addition to academic activities, Dr. Pasarica is actively seeing patients in a primary care clinic.

Dr Pasarica is currently the Editor-in-chief for the FLAGSHIP channel.

Publications (7)

Recent article categories: Family/General Practice, Preventive Medicine, Medical Education

My Professional Societies

Obesity Society
American Academy of Family Physicians
Florida Academy of Family Physicians
Association of American Medical Colleges