Preparing for Rare Intraoperative Emergencies: Pediatric Massive Transfusion Protocol



Massive transfusion in the pediatric surgical patient is relatively uncommon but when it occurs (eg trauma, post-operative hemorrhage), requires the coordination of anesthesia, surgical and perioperative staff in a time-sensitive manner.  We aspired to improve our perioperative staff’s competency in a P-MTP scenario via a simulation and teaching stations to best prepare our team for this rare critical event.

Research Question:

How many of our perioperative staff knew how to initiate the P-MTP and how to conduct it and thereafter how much improvement was shown after a P-MTP simulation and teaching stations. 


First, the pediatric perioperative staff (registered nurses, surgical technicians, anesthesia technicians) were surveyed to assess for experience, familiarity with our P-MTP, experience with a P-MTP situation, knowledge of how to initiate and halt our P-MTP and where our emergency intra-osseous (IO) kit is located.  After this, a P-MTP simulation was conducted consisting of a pediatric trauma patient in hemorrhagic shock with poor venous access.  Following the simulation, a teaching session was held.  Participants then completed a post-simulation survey to assess the simulation and teaching session.


Pre and post surveys data.  13 staff completed the pre-survey and 12 completed the post-survey. Pre survey data:  Staff experience (reported as total number): 0-3 years (4), 4-6 years (4), 6+ years (5). Familiarity with P-MTP: 23%. Prior experience with the P-MTP: (15%). Baseline comfort in assisting with a patient undergoing P-MTP: uncomfortable (54%), somewhat comfortable (38%), very comfortable (7%). Knew how to activate the P-MTP: (8%). Knew where the IO was located: (0%).   Selected post survey data: Knew how to activate the P-MTP: (100%). Knew where the IO was located: (92%).  Comfort in assisting with a patient undergoing the P-MTP: very comfortable (88%), uncomfortable (12%). 


Simulation can be and effective tool to prepare for rare critical events in the operating room and allowed us to identify significant gaps in knowledge surrounding team resuscitation of a pediatric patient requiring the P-MTP.  We demonstrated a level of unfamiliarity and discomfort with the P-MTP amongst our perioperative staff which improved following our simulation and teaching session.  Future steps include expansion of our training program to other locations utilizing the P-MTP and further simulations to improve our teams.


Preparing for Rare Intraoperative Emergencies: Pediatric Massive Transfusion Protocol

Author Information

Aaron Low Corresponding Author

Anesthesiology, UNC Chapel Hill

Kimberly Blasius

Anesthesiology, UNC Hospitals

Benny L. Joyner

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, UNC Hospitals, CHAPEL HILL, USA

Eva Waller

Anesthesiology, UNC Chapel Hill

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