Cureus | Newsroom


Call for Submissions - Advances in Rheumatic Disease Treatments

Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and osteoarthritis affect millions of patients worldwide. While often chronic and debilitating, recent years have brought exciting advances in pharmacological treatments and non-pharmacological therapies. Cureus requests original research articles, review articles, technical reports, and case reports that explore novel therapeutic approaches and agents for rheumatic disease management. We aim to provide clinicians with cutting-edge insights into optimized care for this complex patient population. Please include the keyword "Rheumatic Diseases" in your submission. Example topics include: Impact of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 on Provision of Medical Care to Patients With Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease and the Practice of Rheumatology   Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Takayasu Arteritis: A Review of Current Advances   Oral Microbiome in Pre-Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Role of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans in Bacterial Composition   Dairy Consumption: Does It Make an Impact on Self-Reported Disease Activity of Inflammatory Arthritis? Submission Deadline: October 31, 2023 Published articles will be promoted through our social media channels, a dedicated email campaign, and article roundups, ensuring maximum impact and exposure to a wide audience of medical professionals. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your work on the future of rheumatology.

Sep 05, 2023

Cureus Impact Factor Announcement

We're excited to share a significant milestone with you all. The annual release of Clarivate’s Journal Citation Report (JCR) revealed that The Cureus Journal of Medical Science has been awarded its first Impact Factor (IF). This is a noteworthy achievement for our community, and we are proud to share it with you. Both the 2022 two-year IF and five-year IF are 1.2. These Impact Factors place us in the mid-ranking for medicine, a commendable achievement for a journal that prides itself on inclusivity and accessibility.                                        Impact Factors, alongside other metrics such as turnaround time, downloads and social media mentions can help to provide an overall assessment of journal quality and its research output in the community. Cureus metrics: Average Submission to Publication Time: 33 Days Total 2022 Article Views: 40.5 Million Articles Published for Free: 31% While we celebrate this achievement, we wish to restate that Cureus is a DORA signatory and reaffirm our commitment to assessing individual research articles on their own merits, rather than on an aggregate citation count for the journal. This is why we provide article-level metrics on every article page. We understand the importance of Impact Factor to many in the academic community, and as an academic publisher closely attuned to the needs of the research community, we acknowledge its significance. We believe that our inclusion in the Web of Science, and the subsequent Impact Factors, will be beneficial for many academics whose research output is still measured by metrics such as IF. We hope that, alongside this information, our article-level metrics and transparent publishing process will encourage more physicians and medical researchers to submit their work to Cureus, and thus benefit from broad readership and high-quality peer review. Your contributions, whether as authors, reviewers, or readers, have played a crucial role in this accomplishment. We encourage you to continue with us on our journey to democratize medical publishing. - The Cureus Team

Jun 30, 2023

Call for Submissions: Healthcare Systems Around the World

Screwed-up medical systems are a global problem, but successful healthcare models also exist in surprising locations. Quality, cost, equity, innovation, regulation, and more - where does your country fall short in its healthcare systems, and where does it excel? This call for submissions aims to foster a global dialogue among physicians and public health researchers deep in the medical trenches on important issues that inevitably impact patient care and outcomes. We encourage authors to reflect on personal experiences as healthcare providers, policymakers, or even medically knowledgeable patients. By sharing these perspectives, we can envision better healthcare systems for all. Eligible submissions from authors of all backgrounds, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, will undergo editorial and peer review prior to publication. Due to the high quality of submissions we have received so far, we have decided to continue this “Healthcare Systems Around the World” call for submissions indefinitely.  Requirements: Eligible submissions must include an author with publishing experience who has completed residency training.  Submissions must include the keyword “Global Healthcare Systems”. Submissions must adhere to Cureus publishing guidelines and, if applicable, may be subject to Preferred Editing fees.  Example editorials: Challenges faced by Pakistani healthcare system: Clinician's perspective Lebanese Healthcare System: How Will the Aftermath Look? COVID-19 Pandemic and Challenges for Socio-Economic Issues, Healthcare and National Health Programs in India The Healthcare Model: Concepts and Challenges for Primary Healthcare in Brazil An Assessment of Canada’s Healthcare System Weighing Achievements and Challenges

Jun 01, 2023