Disparities in Ownership and Use of Digital Health Technology Between Rural and Urban Adults

May 11, 2023 | NEWS


An article published in Cureus was recently picked up by mHEALTH INTELLIGENCE. 

"Published in Cureus, new research indicated that although rural residents were just as likely as their urban counterparts to own and utilize digital health tools, they used these resources for communication with providers less, prompting the need for investigation of geographical digital access disparities.

Specifically, the researchers indicated that more research into differences in broadband access, plus development of “low connectivity” apps, will be key to closing technology access disparities.

Despite the constant growth of digital health tools, there is limited research surrounding differences in adoption between rural and urban residents. In this study, researchers used a National Inpatient Survey to examine statistics on the ownership and use of digital health tools among patients in various geographies..."

Read the full article here.