Cureus | Call for Submissions: Healthcare Systems Around the World

Call for Submissions: Healthcare Systems Around the World

Jun 01, 2023 | NEWS


Screwed-up medical systems are a global problem, but successful healthcare models also exist in surprising locations. Quality, cost, equity, innovation, regulation, and more - where does your country fall short in its healthcare systems, and where does it excel?

This call for submissions aims to foster a global dialogue among physicians and public health researchers deep in the medical trenches on important issues that inevitably impact patient care and outcomes. We encourage authors to reflect on personal experiences as healthcare providers, policymakers, or even medically knowledgeable patients. By sharing these perspectives, we can envision better healthcare systems for all.

Eligible submissions from authors of all backgrounds, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, will undergo editorial and peer review prior to publication.

Due to the high quality of submissions we have received so far, we have decided to continue this “Healthcare Systems Around the World” call for submissions indefinitely. 


  • Eligible submissions must include an author with publishing experience who has completed residency training. 

  • Submissions must include the keyword “Global Healthcare Systems”.

  • Submissions must adhere to Cureus publishing guidelines and, if applicable, may be subject to Preferred Editing fees. 

Example editorials: