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Ebrí Bernardo, internist, researcher; b.Zaragoza, Spain, Oct. 26 1949; s. Bernardo Ebri and Araceli Torné; m.. Inmaculada Casas Verde, June 28, 1975; children: Bernardo, Inmaculada, Pablo, Daniel, sandra. BSc, U Maristas,(Zaragoza); Assoc mem Assn. Aragonesa writers, Aragon; Spanish Assn Writers Doctors, Aragon Encyclopaedia 2007; Aragon Authors Dictionary, 2008;
Author: 16 books, of Research Medicine and Humanism; More than 200 articles to profl jours; More than 500 events and conferences; Avocations: bicycling, stamp collecting/philately
Publications (1)
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