A needs assessment to guide the development of multidisciplinary simulation-based modules relevant to emergency department nurses in NL.


Presented at: MESC, 2017 in St. John's, NL

Purpose: Smooth functioning of multidisciplinary teams is crucial in the provision of optimal patient care within the emergency department. Physicians and nurses must have a collaborative approach and work efficiently to meet patient needs in this busy setting. Development and maintenance of a standard team approach to critical procedures and clinical encounters is helpful to ensure quality patient care. This is especially important for infrequent, high-risk procedures and clinical encounters. Simulation provides a safe environment where learning is enhanced through deliberate practice of procedural skills and management of high-risk clinical encounters. Multidisciplinary participation in simulation-based education may augment team cohesiveness and performance.

Methods: A web-based needs assessment survey was developed and distributed to rural and urban ED nurses to collect information on participant demographics, opinions about simulation-based instruction and perceptions on the value of the educational approach proposed in our project. Additional information is collected on previous experience and comfort related to specific procedures and clinical encounters within the ED.

Results: Results from the survey will be compiled and analyzed for themes. These themes will guide the creation of simulation-based modules relevant to nursing practice. Multidisciplinary modules relevant to the nursing roles, collaboration with physician colleagues and responsibilities on the selected topics will be developed. Procedural modules will address key information including indications, contraindications, complications and necessary equipment. Teaching on core clinical encounters will cover key features on presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Modules will consist of pre-session online and print resource review followed by hands-on interactive sessions involving physicians and nursing colleagues to facilitate a common approach to core procedures and ED presentations.

Conclusion: We describe the outcomes of a needs assessment of ED nurses that will guide the development of multidisciplinary simulation-based modules covering core EM procedures and clinical encounters. Modules will be subject to ongoing feedback and modification to meet needs specific to the local practice environment.


A needs assessment to guide the development of multidisciplinary simulation-based modules relevant to emergency department nurses in NL.

Author Information

Stephanie Smith Corresponding Author

Emergency Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Megan Pollard

Emergency Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Michael H. Parsons

Emergency Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, CAN

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